Logo Design

Branding strategy plays a vital role in a company’s success in today’s competitive markets. Your company brand is not just a name or symbol; it represents the relationship with your consumer. Your company logo is the building-block on which your entire branding is based upon. From the company website, newsletters, business cards and stationery to packaging materials, brochures and promotional materials, the logo brings them all together to give a face to your brand.

The logo design creates the identity of your business and reflects your company’s personality – youthful, energetic, colorful, dependable, professional, elegant etc. It’s the foundation of your brand marketing strategy and should be designed carefully to capture your consumer’s imagination. It’s the first step to brand positioning and development.

Brand Identity Guidelines

One of the most important things about creating a brand is making sure everything is cohesive. Once a brand pinpoints their values and how they’d like to be perceived, they have to make sure all their touch points refer back to these values.

What’s of extreme importance is the look of a brand. In order to make sure this stays fairly consistent, brands should have corporate identity guides or brand style guides. These typically include the logo parameters, colour specifications, typography and the do’s and don’ts of the application of the logo.

Brand identity manuals or style guides help to maintain a consistent look so that consumers and employees understand the brand. These guides help create uniformity and take a business from being just a company, to becoming a brand.

Corporate Stationary

Nothing makes a business look more credible than professionally designed stationery.  We understand how to apply the colours and fonts of your logo to your business cards, letterheads and compliments slips in order to create an image your customers will remember.
An investment in professionally designed stationery will pay off every time you hand out your business card and every time you send a letter. Nearly everyone has been handed a cheap business card or received business correspondence on a generic letterhead. It leaves you wondering if the business is reliable or if they’re a fly-by-night. By contrast, professionally designed stationery helps to form a lasting impression in the minds of your employees, business partners and customers. They’ll not only remember you, but they’ll know that you’re a serious business that they can trust.